Tuesday, September 28, 2010


"I NEED A BAND-AID!" Gracie screamed, tears as big as gulps trickling down her face. She tripped in the rocks on the playground and had a small white scuff on her left knee.

"Grace, a band-aid will not fix it. It only stops bleeding," I replied. This is a common situation with the group of kids I work with each day. For some reasons, band-aids make ALL things better.

But we all know that is not true...sadly. If only band-aids healed broken spirits, deadness within, and emptiness that eats away at one's joy.

Driving home on I-29 today, realities floated through my head, drifted in and out and made some tears roll down my cheeks.

I am blessed. I am healthy. My husband is healthy. I have more money than I need. I have both my parents and all my siblings alive and well. I have a job and my husband does too. I have good memories of grandmothers, aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends that ONLY loved me.

Loss has been great some days, but there have been more smiles, more laughter than tears and regrets.

Lord, forgive me if I ever doubt your leading and the gifts from your hands!

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