Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hasta la vista, 25 pounds!

Currently, the saucey smell of warmed Pineapple Pizza Hut pizza is warming in my oven. My mouth practically salivates as I write this, waiting to take a bite of this yummy piece of horror for my waist.

I have been blessed that the Lord has given me means to lose weight, but now that I have been stuck at the same weight for almost over a year, even gaining a good 10 pounds since Christmas, I find myself still yearning to be at my goal weight.

150. What does 150 pounds mean? Freedom. Release. Achievement. Bliss. Relief.

For a 260 pound woman that has found what it means to be on thinner side of 200, a miracle is the only term that can express how I feel.

I remember sitting on this same green couch two years ago, almost 100 pounds heavier. God, thank you for your mercy and grace. Now, here I am, just pounds from a dream I thought I could never achieve...but it is so close, I can almost grasp it.

My pizza is warming up, but tomorrow things change. I made a list of goals in what I want to eat, snack on, and even what physical activity I should particpate in daily. In hopes to motivate myself, I even made one of those childhood chains I used to make before Christmas. Instead of red and green pieces of construction paper, I have blue, green, yellow, and purple strips with motivating quotes on the inside. Each pound, I remove a link.

25 pounds. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

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